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Conversations About Conversations

Aug 26, 2020

This is not your ordinary conversation. I decided to open up and share with Jules (and you, should you choose the listen/watch the episode) about what I’ve been pretending—the pretense inside of which I’ve been living my life and doing this podcast.

Once I could distinguish it and share it, it lost all of...

Aug 24, 2020

What if there was a tool available to you that was guaranteed to improve the result of each and every one of your conversations?

Would that sound like an opportunity to you?

Do you see as big of a benefit as I do for having conversations that consistently gain agreement for action and get people motivated to do what you...

Aug 21, 2020

I’m always interested in having conversations with people about their business conversations. On this episode of Conversations About Conversations, I talked with Ben Pariser about how he approaches prospective clients.

Ben and his company, Restorical Research, provide a valuable service. Their tagline is “Uncovering...

Aug 20, 2020

What if you had Rules of Engagement for your business conversations? In my mid-30s, I had a mentor who was a retired military officer. One of the things he did for me, although I didn’t know it at the time, was he helped me to create Rules of Engagement for my conversations. Rules of engagement have kept me out of...

Aug 14, 2020

The key to gaining agreement for action and the getting results you want from a conversation is to have a series of small (dare I say mini) wins leading up to the big win. You need to obtain several interim agreements, if you want to get the ultimate agreement.

On this episode of Conversations About Conversations, I...