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Conversations About Conversations

Oct 23, 2020

I can tell you what I used to do:

-I used to try to convince clients to believe what I believed.

-I used to examine and question their beliefs with a goal of changing their minds.

-I used to readily disagree and take opposing positions.

What I used to do wasn’t working. So, I stopped doing it. I’m a relationship manager, not a politician.

Are you trying to convince your clients their point of view is incorrect?

If you are, how does it benefit your relationship with them?

Instead of trying to convince your client his point of view is incorrect, you can simply explore his point of view and find out things you can align with. He’ll appreciate that you took the time to get to know him better.

Moreover, in many situations, you’ll find that you share more in common than what you might have initially thought. Others may disagree, but I believe you don’t need to take political stances with your clients. It gets in the way of doing your job.



Episode #183