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Conversations About Conversations

Dec 30, 2019


When you are used to winning, losing doesn’t feel very good.

But, losing is good for you because it reminds you that you need to do a better job preparing and planning.

Early in my career, I didn’t prepare much at all. I didn’t have a plan for anything other than a coop­erative client.

Because of my lack of preparation, I would routinely have conversations that didn’t go as well as they should have.

I don’t know why I thought I was good enough to wing it, but I did.

What about you? Do you enter a conversation with a plan? Or, are you content to improvise and make things up as you go along?

This message is sponsored by the book Conversations: How to Manage Your Business Relationships One Conversation at a Time. Available now on Amazon


Conversations About Conversations – Episode 99